Covid guidelines.
We have compiled a list of guidelines for the studio upon reopening. We kindly ask you take some time to read over each point so you are well prepared for your first class back to HYB.
Sanitisation stations –
We now have two sanitisation stations – one at the entrance as you walk into HYB and one downstairs beside the door to the hot room. We ask that you use the hand sanitiser before you come down into the studio and as you leave. We ask that you follow the HSE guidelines when washing your hands and use our hand towels provided instead of the hand dryer.
Ventilation systems –
Ever wondered what the big silver pipes in the studio ceiling are for? That is our state of the art ventilation system which has been filtering and cleaning the air inside our little basement unit since we opened. We now have an additional air filtration system inside the hot room providing you with an extra layer of protection while practicing at our studio.
Main area of studio –
We have carefully measured and marked out spaces in the main studio area. These spaces can be used at the beginning and ending of class for gathering belongings, but we kindly ask that no one loiters just while we all get used to the flow of the classes coming in and out. For the next while we want to avoid having large crowds congregating in the main studio area– as much as we will miss sitting around catching up on the benches we want to keep everyone as safe and happy as possible.
Yoga mat layout -
We are optimising the space we have while exceeding the minimum social distancing requirements. Mat positions will be clearly marked out in the hot room allowing 6 and 8 ft between each person ‘nose to nose’ while practising.
Cleaning before and after classes –
We have increased our cleaning procedures so now before, after and inbetween classes the floor of the hot room will be sanitised as well as all of the high touch areas in the studio.
Changing rooms and showers –
We will not be permitting use of the showers for the time being. This is to ensure there are no crowds in the changing rooms. Whilst the toilets and changing rooms will still be open for use for the moments we would ask that you come to class ready to practise and shower at home.